Regine Frank works on condensed matter theory and light-matter interactions as well as on waves in random media. Photonic and electronic transport, coherence and decoherence effects are of particular interest. Recent activities are on non-equilibrium descriptions of correlated electrons, cold fermions, Floquet topological physics and polaritonics. Her research activities comprise quantum-mechanical and quantum-field-theoretical methods, such as Vollhardt-Wölfle theory for waves in multiple scattering complex random media.

Recent Research Emissions and Publications

Reer Review Journals: Physical Review Letters, Physical Review A, Physical Review B, Nature, Scientific Reports (NPG), AIP Applied Physics Letters, AIP APL Quantum, PLOS ONE, Communications Physics, Optics Express, Optics Letters, MDPI Applied Sciences, Symmetry, Photonics, Quantum Reports, Applied Optics, Optical Materials Express, ACS Nano, Physical Chemistry Letters, Annalen der Physik, physica status solidi, EPL, EPJ B, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, JOSA A, JOSA B, JoVE, a.o.

Executive Board & Steering Committee: Karlsruhe School of Optics & Photonics (KSOP)

Professors Search Committees: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Tübingen University

Evaluation and Reviewing: National Research Council of Canada (NRC), Czech Science Foundation (GACR)